Accredited Exercise Physiologists are university-qualified allied health professionals. They specialise in designing and delivering effective exercise interventions for people with chronic medical conditions, injuries, or disabilities. Services delivered by an AEP are also claimable under compensable schemes such as Medicare and covered by most private health insurers. When it comes to prescribing exercise, they are the most qualified professionals in Australia.
Whether you’re living with a chronic condition, illness, injury or just want some advice on how to exercise right for your specific needs, an AEP (Accredited Exercise Physiologist) can help.
While physiotherapy is beneficial, exercise physiology has a specialised focus on movement that is designed to manage and improve specific conditions, including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and injuries. The idea is functional fitness that carefully works around your personal needs.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists work across a wide scope of practice, including musculoskeletal rehabilitation, chronic disease management, health and well-being, disability, occupational health, and athletic development.
The role of an Accredited Exercise Physiologist is to help you reach your goal (health, rehabilitation, performance) through the development of self-management strategies, best-practice exercise prescriptions, education, and behaviour change.
Exercise physiology is a functional approach to fitness that helps you improve your health, manage chronic conditions, and improve mobility through tailored personalised physical activity programs.
Our exercise physiologists offer group classes and clinical pilates, tailoring the most suitable approach to suit your needs. We also offer massage therapy, which can all be included in your treatment plan.